Medical Volunteer in Philippines


By volunteering in Philippines at a local health clinic, you can help augment support to understaffed and underfunded health clinics in rural towns outside Tacloban City. This medical volunteer project is great for volunteers looking to experience the healthcare industry in the Philippines or looking to implement their professional medical skills in a rewarding environment.

Rural Health Unit (RHU) clinics serve as the main source of free basic healthcare for rural communities around Tacloban City. It is at these clinics where one doctor and a handful of nurses have the sole responsibility of looking after a community of thousands of people whilst at the same time having only a limited number of resources at their disposal.The clinics will benefit greatly from the services of volunteer medical professionals and qualified students. Volunteers who are being recruited include doctors, nurses, medical assistants, and medical and nursing  students.

By volunteering in Philippines, individuals embarking on a career in health care will be able to gain valuable experience in their chosen fields. The health care professionals at this rural medical clinic are making a tremendous difference in the lives of their patients. However, because of understaffing and underfunding, they are unable to adequately address the medical needs of the community. You will see for yourself how short-handed they are, and you will know from the very start that you are in a position to make a valuable contribution.

Established professionals will have the opportunity to share their knowledge and skills whilst learning about health care conditions in a developing country. Many previous volunteers have said that this placement was an eye-opening experience that has not only given them a new perspective of their profession, but also of their own lives.

Medical Volunteer in Philippines Gallery

What is involved

Your duties will vary, depending on the qualifications of the individuals. In the past, volunteers have assisted in taking patient vitals, obtaining medical history, administering inoculations, assisting with minor surgery, helping with delivery, and conducting medical screens and exams. The services are generally provided at the clinic, although periodically outreach health services are provided to outlying areas.

Initiative is a major trait that volunteers need to posses in order to participate well in this project. Aside from the day-to-day activities in the clinics, you can also provide support to various other Health related projects, such as collecting statistical support for its Nutrition Project or helping provide public health awareness seminars to various community groups.

Medical Volunteer in Philippines with patient

Some details

2025 and 2026 

Any Weekend start date is possible. We are quite flexible with your start dates.

Please select any dates that suit you- the weekend would be great so we can give you training and orientation on arrival.

What your first week looks like

Arrival day

Your arrival weekend will be relaxed. We will pick you up from the airport and bring you to your accommodation. Depending on your time of arrival, our team will meet you and give you a local orientation so you can get to know the area you are living in. The next day you will be given health and safety briefing, culture orientation and project training before we take you in for your program.


Medical Students in Sri Lanka with scrubs
Your project coordinator or a member of the team will be taking you to the project and after introductions you can get started. Your meals breakfast and dinner will be the accommodation unless you are at the project site or outside. In the evenings most volunteers spend it either exploring local sights or relaxing at the accommodation.


Gap Year Volunteers in Philippines
Our local team will suggest many activities for you to do! Your weekends will be free for you to explore Philippines. We highly recommend you to utilise your time so you can get to see more of the country that you are visiting. We usually make recommendations based on past volunteer experiences. Its always better to book excursions in country with other volunteers.

Weekend activities

Island Hopping

Visit San Pablo Islands PhilippinesSAN PABLO ISLAND
Visit some nearby Islands such as Cuatra Islas, Kalanagaaman and Sambawan where you can relax / swim.

Try Local Cuisines

Philippines Volunteers enjoying a traditional meal
With more than 7,000 islands and a colorful history, Philippines has some delicious local dishes to try.

Jeepney Rides

Volunteer in Philippines
Jeepneys are made from leftover U.S. military jeeps from World War II. This is one ride you must take!

Tulaan Falls

Take a day trip down to Babatngnon through a laidback forest path where Tulaan Falls awaits.

Testimonial Videos

Choose an Inspiring Volunteering Destination

Cambodia will allow you to explore the heart of Southeast Asia, a nation replete with lush natural landscapes from dense forests to rice paddy fields, bustling cities, and the majestic architectural remnants of the great Khmer empire dotting every bit of the country.

The charming city of Phnom Penh is the capital and also serves as our base of volunteer operations. Volunteering Journeys Cambodia volunteer abroad projects include Teaching English, Working with NGO’s, helping Special Needs individuals, and Medical & Nursing Internships. Whether you are a gap year student, career breaker or a family or a mature volunteer, you can apply to any of our volunteer in Cambodia projects.

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