Why Teach in India : Kerala Education Project

AyushCareer Breaker

November 21, 2021 | Career Breaker

“English is the window through which we look at the world.” I think every Keralite feels the same and gives a lot of importance to learn English. But unfortunately everybody can not pursue this dream. Mainly the poor people are not getting the chance to educate their children in English, because they are not able to send their children in private schools where the medium of teaching is English. Most of the Govt. schools are in Malayalam (The local language of Kerala) medium. Generally the schools are classified into three based on the ownership and operational control. Government schools are owned and run by the government. Private aided schools are owned by private organizations or individuals, but the operations are controlled by the government. Private unaided schools have government control only in academics. All our teaching projects comes under the category of govt. school, which are owned and run by the govt. We chose to work in here because they are the most needy where we can utilize the benefit of our Journey through volunteering.

In Kerala generally people do not wish to send their children to govt. schools because they consider it low status to send them there because the students do not get a chance to speak English. English speaking people are considered highly qualified and highly respected all over here. All the parents want their children to speak English. There are several reasons for this. Mainly, English has a prominent role in their higher education system and career. Secondly, English is used as a communicative medium nationally and internationally. Thirdly, English is perceived as the essential tool for global communicative participation, especially in electronic media. And English works as a role model for status, power and authority. But whatever the reasons are and however they wish, they are not able to send their children to private schools because they cannot afford the high fees and everything is paid service over there. Whereas in govt. schools the education is free and govt. provides them the text books, uniforms and lunch. And because of these reasons they are forced to send their children here. So the discrimination goes on and on. A doctor’s son turns out to be a doctor and the fisherman’s son turns out to be a fisherman. Here exists the importance of Volunteering Journeys. We are able to provide free education in English, and that too from native English speakers. And this makes a lot of difference. Without any special training we learnt our mother tongue. Frequent exposure to the language only made it possible to express our ideas in that language. The same technique can be applied to learning English also. And also if you could adopt it at the early age it works out even better. Our volunteers are able to broaden the horizons of these kids through constant connections. Here we have to make a change and it is not an event, It is a process. Positive short term volunteering adds up to significant long term improvement. Through volunteering we hope to uplift lives. To do all these we need volunteers from time to time. Without volunteers we are stuck and the kids are desperate. So please come and help our kids to broaden their horizons.

To apply to our Teaching in India program visit https://volunteeringjourneys.com/teaching-english-volunteer-india/

No Prior experience is required and we would give you relevant resources and materials.

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